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The charging station is a project that is made for "Lenovo" company. The main challenge is that the space for the charging station is very small. There is a consistent flow of people in the airport who have a constant need to charge their electronic devices. The station will allow a large flux of people to charge their devices, since it is better to serve as many people as possible. The solution for this problem can be a creation of the space that will motivate people to not stay long. Ergonomically inconvenient seats can serve this purpose. Only those people who really need to charge their devices will spend time sitting low on the floor or on the ribbed surface. The design will eliminate the conflict between people who want to relax and those who need to charge their devices.

Strategy: Definition of the Problem & Solution

Definition of the Product and Ideation

Sketching, Modeling, Prototyping

During the idea development process I decided to organize special places for kids where they can play and don't feel so bored while waiting for their flight. 

Working with sculptural plasticine helped me to clarify the form and
structure. Through experimentation with sculptural plasticine I found visual solution for the product.


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